Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Finding My Voice (in the blogosphere and in real life)

As many of you know, I'm in my twenties - a time of colorful dreams, lofty goals, and whirlwind growth.

If I wanted to allegorize my life, perhaps I would compare it to building a house. I'm in the process of gathering all the right tools (education/experience) and enlisting the help of qualified people (mentors). And I'm trying to decide what exactly I want my house (my future) to look like.

It is the age of self-discovery. I ask myself, "who do I want to be? what bold and beautiful future lies ahead? what legacy - what glorious imprint- will I leave on this world?"

I notice in this process that I am trying to figure out my specialization and my tone of voice in the blogosphere (and in real life). I notice that some people are sarcastic; others are funny; others are just plain honest; others are experts.

And I think I want my voice to be one of kindness and compassion and optimism - but also of information and ideas. Maybe the girl who "has a lot of innovative ideas and uses them to help people."

(Picture by: robyn00)


Anonymous said...

Make your voice one of compassion and kindness. That's a precious and rare quality these days.

You've got a great blog. I love your comment on Keith's post where you list things teenagers should do for their career. I'm a bit older...and I see it as a list of things all ages should do.

Keep writing. You'll do something spectacular, I'm sure.

Damselfly said...

I say just be yourself, and you can never go wrong.