The benefits are too many to list in one blog post (lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, reduces risk of all kinds of cancers and diseases, more energy, better self-esteem, improved appearance, etc.).
I've been thinking about how to best fit fitness into my life. My calendar is already overflowing with my marriage, my baby, my friends and family, working, blogging, reading, volunteering, cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, the list goes on.
Before I go on, I must say that I am relatively healthy compared to the norm. I walk for 20-30 minutes every day. I rarely drink soda (as in, once every six months). I avoid excessive sugar. I drink A LOT of water. We "eat in" almost every night. We don't watch TV. And, of course, I chase my toddler around the house.
But I don't get the kind of heart-pumping, muscle-building work-out that I should. I used to play on a womens soccer league, but I don't think that's feasible now (too much on the calendar). I considered a gym membership for about a millisecond, but I think most gyms are overrated (dirty, unimaginative, embarrassing...I'll save that for another post). We had a treadmill, but we sold it on CraigsList (too boring).
I think the best option is probably running. Yep, good old-fashioned fitness. Low expenditure (good running shoes), high return.
Now, if I can only fit it in...more on this on another day...
(Photo by: timtak)